Why Justice Matters was founded
By John Glynn
Founder Justice Matters
I would prefer to stay out of the limelight, and not have to write about myself. The focus should be on the corruption and the cover ups, but corrupt politicians and police officers personalize issues. It is a common tactic they use to shift the conversation away from their wrongdoings.
It is a surprisingly effective tactic too because nobody is perfect. We have all made mistakes, and even though those mistakes have nothing to do with the corruption, personalization shifts the conversation away from the issues and onto the individuals.
The tactic works because we tend to believe authority figures such as politicians and police officers, even when our trust in them is shaky. I am no different, my first instinct is to believe them as well, which makes no sense because I have experienced how self-serving and duplicitous they can be.
In case you were wondering; I am not a radical or an extremist. Like most people, I am concerned about the lack of accountability around systemic corruption and the endless lies told by deceitful politicians and senior police officers, but radicalism, extremism and violence is not the answer, it only drives us further apart.
We have a strong democracy and a fair legal system, we just need to use it. Justice Matters provides a peaceful, moderate way for us to come together and hold corrupt leaders to account.
It is important to note that there are many decent politicians and police officers who serve the community with distinction, they deserve our utmost respect. That can sometimes be lost when the focus is on the corruption and the cover ups.​
My views should be irrelevant, because justice is a societal construct that belongs to the community. But I have to explain myself because it will be personalized about me.
For the record, I am actually pro-government and pro-police. I have always respected authority figures who maintain a balance of strictness and fairness. My favourite school teachers and coaches were always the most strict, but they were also the most fair.
I do not oppose the system, because the system itself is fair and just. I oppose the individuals within the system who exploit their position, placing themselves above the law and making decisions for the good of themselves rather than for the good of the community.
It is important to note that there are many decent politicians and police officers who serve the community with distinction, they deserve our utmost respect. That can sometimes be lost when the focus is on the corruption and the cover ups.
I have no more right than any other Australian citizen, justice belongs to the community not any one individual. Also, justice does not belong to governments or the police. They too belong to the community, which is something they often forget, or choose to ignore.
Even though justice belongs to the community, few of us have the time to do anything about it. That is the only reason why corrupt politicians and police officers get away with things, because we are too busy with our daily lives to do anything about it.
Justice Matters was founded to make it easy for anybody to make a real difference, all you have to do is subscribe because there is power in numbers.
To begin with Justice Matters' 2 main areas of focus are:
To address the abuse of power by some politicians, senior police officers, and community leaders
Some politicians, senior police officers and community leaders take advantage of their position to put themselves above the law, and cover up for one another. But they only get away with it because most of us are too busy to do anything about it.
I founded Justice Matters to make it easy, all you have to do is subscribe because there is power in numbers. The more subscribers we have the more impact we will have.
To address unchecked injustices due to the high cost of legal action and overburdened regulatory bodies
The true meaning of justice is the prosecution or resolution of an injustice. However, in Australia today the vast majority of injustices go unchecked because only a very small percentage of the population can afford to take legal action, and regulatory bodies are overburdened. They are likely to dismiss all but the most extreme cases of injustice.
I founded Justice Matters to provide an affordable legal service to all Australians, which will be coming soon, and to stop regulatory bodies from dismissing legitimate cases of injustice.
We can achieve that by increased funding so regulatory bodies can handle more cases, giving them the power to impose serious penalties to deter injustices and by holding regulatory body officials to account when they make an unjust decision.
When I told the police about my intention to publicize their misconduct, another high ranking officer threatened to lay charges against me. I asked him what for and he said “we will think of something”.
I have seen first-hand what injustice looks like and what justice looks like.
I was falsely charged and put in prison by an unscrupulous police officer who wanted to advance his career, and then decent police officers stood up for me to get me out of prison. I have seen abusive police officers weaponize their powers to destroy innocent peoples’ lives, and I have seen amazing judges tear strips off duplicitous police prosecutors for trying to put innocent people in prison.
I witnessed police officers bully a gentle and kind mother who was the victim of the most extreme domestic violence, and I have spoken to a courageous lawyer who is prepared to take out a class action lawsuit because abuse of women by NSW police is so widespread.
I witnessed a NSW police officer conspire with criminals to pervert justice, and a superintendent acting on behalf of the commissioner’s office used false pretenses to cover up for her. I have been threatened by 2 high ranking police officers with being imprisoned again if I did not stop following up on complaints they themselves had covered up.
When I told the police about my intention to publicize their misconduct, another high ranking officer threatened to lay charges against me. I asked him what for and he said “we will think of something”.
When I ignored their threats and persisted, a few days later the police took out an ADVO against me in relation to a person I had never met, had never threatened and had not even spoken to. They then used the ADVO to come to my home repeatedly to harass me, with up to 4 officers showing up at a time.
A defence lawyer told me it is standard practice for the police to take out fake ADVOs when they want to harass someone. It still boggles my mind that the police have tactics to harass members of the public, and it is so well known.
A defence lawyer told me it is standard practice for the police to take out fake ADVOs when they want to harass someone. It still boggles my mind that the police have tactics to harass members of the public, and it is so well known.
A class action lawsuit is being explored on behalf of the individuals who have been victimized with fake ADVOs by the NSW police. The officers involved should face criminal charges.
Note: I cannot go into the details about the police abuse because there are two legal cases in process and more to come.
I am incredibly fortunate to have met decent lawyers who are prepared to stand up against police abuse; they have initiated legal action on my behalf. Sadly, very few victims of police abuse are in a position to take legal action. I founded Justice Matters to remedy that, because everybody should have access to justice.
Despite being imprisoned, threatened and harassed I still believe in our justice system. I trust that at some point, it will be the police officers who abused their authority that will face prison. I will keep you posted.
Justice Matters’ best features are that you can remain anonymous, it's quick and it's easy. All you have to do to make a real difference is subscribe, because there is power in numbers. The more subscribers we have the more impact we will have.
We will not hand out your name or contact details. We will not send you marketing material or ask you for donations (Justice Matters is self funded). We will only update you on Justice Matters’ campaigns and you can opt out at any time.
Also, if you can see an area where we can improve, or you can help out, please contact us.
Thanks for taking the time to read and please always remember Justice Matters.
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